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Reading the Paper

Charles Hastings

Print Journalist

Filming Streets

A Bit About Me

Hi! I'm Charlie, and I've always been a journalist. Even when I was a kid, I used write detailed articles for my parents. They were always written in barely legible crayon about how misbehaved my brothers were, but it set me on a wild journey that continues to this day. Journalism is my passion, whether it be covering the local school board or national protest movements, I've worked at various student and professional publications over the years, and even started one myself. Needless to say, I've come a long way from tattling on my brothers with a crayon.

Intern Newscast!

While I am a print journalist at heart, I love to try new things, even if that includes the often embarrassing act of public speaking. I and 2 other interns at ABC News 4 designed and produced this newscast. This marked my first attempt at anchoring television, and I must say, even public speaking has its moments. Thanks so much to fellow interns Fiona McAllister, Jane Caroline Fusco, Matthew Young, and producer Isabel Crews for their assistance with this scary endeavor!

Hot off the Press

I have covered everything from breaking news stories to in-depth features, written VO copy for broadcast and formatted broadsheets. It’s a satisfying feeling to put my journalism education, audience understanding, and professional experience to good use on every project I’m involved with. Check out a sampling of my recently published work below and get in touch for more.

As The New School Year Begins, Hopes are High for LAUSD Pre-K for Four-Year-Olds

Written for the award-winning national education newsletter The 74, this piece details a new transitional kindergarten program in Los Angeles. It has since picked up by other educational news outlets such as RealClear Education. Read it below! 

The Rise of Charity Content: Where Giving Gets Complicated

Written while a part of the University of Southern California's Annenberg School of Journalism, this account offers a comprehensive history of the present phenomenon of "philanthro-tainment" on social media. It provides a detailed critique of many creators who use philanthropy as a means of self-promotion. Read it below!

Filming Streets

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Sure, just keep reading 

Like I said before, I did also start a publication (with lots and lots of help). While mostly flippantly covering events and trends, Get a Grip Magazine also has its share of culture-related features, local reports from Dublin city, and even a section entirely devoted to poetry! Check it out below.

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